"The Seven Ages of Childhood" by Carolyn Wells is a whimsical illustrated collection of verses celebrating the various stages of childhood, written in the early 20th century. This charming book explores the progression through seven distinct phases of a child's life, from infancy to adolescence, exploring their experiences and emotions. With illustrations by Jessie Willcox Smith, the book is likely intended for a young audience or as a nostalgic reflection for adults about the innocence of childhood. The content of the book intricately details each of the seven ages through playful verses, portraying the characteristics and thoughts of children at different stages. Starting with the infant who exudes innocence and calm, it transitions to the curious toddler, focusing on their sense of wonder and exploration. As the verses progress, the reader meets the discerning "Epicure," then the romantic "Lover," and the studious "Scholar," each bringing to life the unique experiences and emotions of children. The final ages reflect on the transition into maidenhood and first love, capturing the poignant moments and enchantments of growing up, all while weaving a rich tapestry of childhood imagination and feelings. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Seven Ages of Childhood
By Carolyn Wells
(3.5 stars) • 10 reviews
"The Seven Ages of Childhood" by Carolyn Wells is a whimsical illustrated collection of verses celebrating the various stages of childhood, written in...
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About the Author
Carolyn Wells was an American mystery author.
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