"The Haunter of the Ring" by Robert E. Howard is a work of fiction written during the early 20th century. This story unfolds in the world of dark powers and occult evils, following the harrowing experiences of James Gordon, who believes he is haunted by a curse linked to his ancestry. The narrative combines elements of horror and supernatural mystery, typical of Howard's signature style. The plot revolves around James Gordon, whose life becomes increasingly jeopardized by supernatural forces after he marries Evelyn Ash. Strange events commence when he suspects her of trying to kill him, leading to terrifying assaults that seem beyond her control. As Gordon grapples with the possibility of reincarnation and vengeance from his murderous ancestor, he seeks help from his friend, John Kirowan. The tale escalates into a confrontation with dark magic and a sinister figure named Joseph Roelocke, who wields an ancient, cursed ring that ensnares Evelyn's soul. As the story reaches a gripping climax, Kirowan uncovers the source of the supernatural influence, leading to a dramatic confrontation that tests the limits of love, loyalty, and the supernatural. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The haunter of the ring
By Robert E. (Robert Ervin) Howard
Wikipedia page on this work: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Haunter_of_the_Ring
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About the Author
Robert Ervin Howard was an American writer who wrote pulp fiction in a diverse range of genres. He created the character Conan the Barbarian and is regarded as the father of the sword and sorcery subgenre.
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