"Samantha at Coney Island and a Thousand Other Islands" by Marietta Holley is a humorous fictional novel written in the early 20th century." The story centers around Samantha Allen and her husband Josiah, whose lives take an adventurous turn as they become enamored with trips to various attractions, specifically Coney Island, after being inspired by colorful tales from friends. This narrative offers a comedic exploration of societal customs, relationship dynamics, and the pursuit of happiness through leisure activities. "The opening of the book introduces us to Samantha's frustration as her husband, Josiah, becomes obsessed with Coney Island after hearing tales from a friend, Serenus Gowdey." As Serenus raves about the fun and frivolity of the attractions, Josiah's interest grows to the point where he dreams about visiting it, much to Samantha’s dismay. Despite her best efforts to redirect his enthusiasm towards more traditional values and domestic responsibilities, Josiah remains determined, setting the stage for their upcoming adventures. The lively and comedic tone reflects Samantha's clever observations about her husband and the societal expectations of their lives, hinting at the humorous challenges they will face as they navigate the world of summer leisure attractions. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Samantha at Coney Island, and a Thousand Other Islands
By Marietta Holley
"Samantha at Coney Island and a Thousand Other Islands" by Marietta Holley is a humorous fictional novel written in the early 20th century." The story...
Marietta Holley, was an American humorist who used satire to comment on U.S. society and politics. Holley enjoyed a prolific writing career and was a bestselling author in the late 19th century, though she was largely forgotten by the time of her death. Her writing was frequently compared to that of Mark Twain and Edgar Nye. Along with Frances Miriam Whitcher and Ann S. Stephens, Holley is regarded as one of America's most significant early female humorists. Her work appealed to all classes of society. Her readers were scattered over the entire world, and included men and women of every station and grade. Her books were widely read in Europe.