"Mad Anthony's Scouts; or, The Rangers of Kentucky" by Edward Sylvester Ellis is a historical novel written in the late 19th century. The narrative follows a group of characters navigating the treacherous American frontier during a time of conflict with Native Americans. Two of the main characters introduced early on are Hezekiah Smith, a backwoodsman, and Pat Mulroony, an Irish adventurer, who quickly become friends as they venture through dangerous territories. The opening portion of the story sets the stage for an adventurous tale, highlighting the dynamic between Hezekiah and Pat as they meet by a campfire in the woods. Their dialogue reveals both humor and tension as they share their secrets and intentions while remaining wary of their surroundings. Suddenly, the prospect of danger arises when they spot signs of potential threats, leading them on a series of encounters with the wild and perils of Indian warfare. As they navigate the challenges of their environment, the groundwork is laid for thrilling adventures and tense confrontations that will test their courage and friendship. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Mad Anthony's scouts; or, The rangers of Kentucky
By Edward Sylvester Ellis
"Mad Anthony's Scouts; or, The Rangers of Kentucky" by Edward Sylvester Ellis is a historical novel written in the late 19th century. The narrative fo...
Edward Sylvester Ellis was an American author.
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