"On to Pekin; or, Old Glory in China" by Edward Stratemeyer is a historical novel written in the late 19th century. This story follows young Lieutenant Gilbert Pennington, a seasoned soldier who embarks on a campaign in China to confront the Boxer Rebellion. The narrative presents an adventure filled with military engagements, political tensions, and the intertwining of personal history as Gilbert seeks to connect with his family’s past amidst the chaos of war. The opening of the book introduces Lieutenant Gilbert Pennington as he received news of his deployment from the Philippines to China. He learns about the rising threat posed by the Boxers—a secret society violently opposed to foreigners—and the need for American forces to assist in a multinational effort to restore order. As he prepares for this new campaign, we also get a glimpse of his background, including his previous military experience and a deep-seated desire to uncover the truth regarding his family’s ties to a business in China. With his men, he navigates through the dangerous landscapes of both the Philippine jungles and the unfolding turmoil in China, setting the stage for intense action and emotional exploration throughout the narrative. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
On to Pekin; or, Old Glory in China
By Edward Stratemeyer
"On to Pekin; or, Old Glory in China" by Edward Stratemeyer is a historical novel written in the late 19th century. This story follows young Lieutenan...
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About the Author
Edward L. Stratemeyer was an American publisher, writer of children's fiction and founder of the Stratemeyer Syndicate. He was one of the most prolific writers in the world, penning over 1,300 books and selling more than 500 million copies.
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