"Nightmare on the Nose" by Evelyn E. Smith is a fantasy short story written during the early 1950s. This imaginative tale explores the unusual concept of a talking horse, specifically a nightmare named Incubus, who becomes a racehorse. The story delves into themes of ambition, the racing world, and the blend of supernatural elements with everyday life, particularly focusing on the character of Phil Watson and his tumultuous relationship with luck and fortune. The plot follows Phil Watson, a gambler plagued by nightmares, who concocts a plan to turn his luck around by training Incubus, a talking horse that he dreams about. Initially, they navigate the challenges of her racing debut and the complications that arise when the horse becomes a competing celebrity. As they gain recognition and success, Incubus reveals her own desires and feelings, ultimately leading to a poignant farewell when she must return to where she truly belongs. The story takes a surprising twist with the birth of Incubus's offspring, raising questions about identity and the nature of reality. With its clever dialogue and unique premise, "Nightmare on the Nose" offers both humor and emotional depth as it explores the extraordinary in an otherwise mundane world. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Nightmare on the nose
By Evelyn E. Smith
"Nightmare on the Nose" by Evelyn E. Smith is a fantasy short story written during the early 1950s. This imaginative tale explores the unusual concept...
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About the Author
Evelyn E. Smith was an American writer of science fiction and mysteries, as well as a compiler of crossword puzzles.
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