"The Cameronians: A Novel, Volume 1" by James Grant is a historical novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around a Scottish regiment and its dynamic, but primarily focuses on the lives of several characters, including the old general Sir Piers Montgomerie, his ward Mary Montgomerie, and the newcomer Cecil Falconer, who is intrigued by Mary. The narrative blends themes of military life with personal relationships and rivalries, set against a backdrop of Scottish landscapes. The opening of the novel introduces us to Eaglescraig, the residence of Sir Piers Montgomerie, who is eager to reunite with young officers of the Cameronians regiment. As the characters share a breakfast, we learn about the dynamics of their relationships, especially the jealous tendencies of Hew Montgomerie, who harbors feelings for Mary. The arrival of Cecil Falconer, a handsome and capable young officer, stirs feelings of rivalry in Hew, especially as he becomes drawn to Mary. The first chapters establish the setting and relationships among these characters, hinting at complexities and conflicts that will unfold as their lives interweave against a backdrop of military ambition and personal desires. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Cameronians: A Novel, Volume 1 (of 3)
By James Grant
"The Cameronians: A Novel, Volume 1" by James Grant is a historical novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around a Scottish regim...
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About the Author
James Grant (1822–1887) was a Scottish novelist and miscellaneous writer.
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