"Flight From Time" by Alfred Coppel is a science fiction narrative written during the mid-20th century. The story revolves around Malenson, a man who believes he can escape the consequences of his crimes by fleeing into the depths of space for an extended period. His journey serves as an exploration of isolation and the human perception of time, presenting a chilling reflection on the effects of solitude and the unwelcome surprises that can arise from seemingly well-laid plans. The plot follows Malenson as he steals a large sum of money and sets off into the galaxy, planning to hide from the law until the statute of limitations expires. Initially confident and in control of his fate, he soon faces a catastrophic malfunction with his ship's timekeeping systems, plunging him into a limbo of timelessness. Over the years, he becomes increasingly detached from reality, losing track of both time and his sense of self. As he returns to Earth, expecting to reclaim his life after what he perceives to be fifteen years, he is shocked to discover that only a little over two years have passed. The narrative culminates in a grim twist, revealing the true cost of his escapism as he faces arrest and the devastating effects of accelerated aging, leaving him a shell of his former self. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Flight From Time
By Alfred Coppel
"Flight From Time" by Alfred Coppel is a science fiction narrative written during the mid-20th century. The story revolves around Malenson, a man who ...
Alfred Coppel, Alfredo Jose de Arana-Marini Coppel was an American author. Born in Oakland, he served as a fighter pilot in the United States Army Air Forces during World War II. After his discharge, he started his career as a writer. He became one of the most prolific pulp magazine authors of the 1950s and 1960s, adopting the pseudonyms Robert Cham Gilman and A.C. Marin and writing for a variety of pulp magazines and later "slick" publishers. Though writing in a variety of genres, including action thrillers, he is known for his science fiction stories which comprise both short stories and novels.