"Task of Kayin" by William Morrison is a science fiction novel that explores themes of identity, belonging, and the implications of scientific discovery. Written in the early 1950s, the story follows Kayin, a fugitive from a distant and perilous world, as he seeks refuge on Earth, a planet fraught with its own dangers. The narrative dives into both the psychological and physical challenges Kayin faces as he navigates the complexities of human society while concealing his extraterrestrial origins. The plot centers on Kayin's struggle to adapt to his new environment, highlighting his feelings of loneliness and the cultural barriers he encounters. As he takes on manual labor despite his superior intellect and abilities, he learns the local language and begins to integrate into human society. However, he soon discovers a catastrophic scientific experiment being conducted by humans that could lead to their extinction. Confronted with his growing sense of attachment to the people he encounters, Kayin must decide whether to intervene and prevent disaster. Ultimately, he chooses to stand and fight for the survival of the humans he has come to regard as friends, symbolizing his transformation and acceptance of a new home. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Task of Kayin
By Joseph Samachson
"Task of Kayin" by William Morrison is a science fiction novel that explores themes of identity, belonging, and the implications of scientific discove...
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About the Author
Joseph Samachson was an American scientist and writer, primarily of science fiction and comic books.
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