"Beyond the X Ecliptic" by Fox B. Holden is a science fiction novel written in the early 1950s. The story is set in a future where Earth has succumbed to despair, and the protagonist, Cragin, a seasoned space pilot, ventures beyond the mysterious Barrier into a realm that complicates scientific understanding. The book explores themes of humanity's quest for meaning and control in an indifferent universe, particularly through the narrative of Cragin's encounters with an enigmatic race known as "The Owners." The plot follows Randolph Cragin as he embarks on a perilous mission through Deep Space, where he encounters Lin Griffin, the daughter of a great scientist. Lin reveals that her father discovered a machine-planet with the ability to control celestial bodies, but was killed by The Owners, who rule the universe with absolute power. As Cragin and Lin navigate this perilous landscape, they grapple with profound philosophical questions about existence, purpose, and the consequences of wielding such immense control. Ultimately, Lin seeks to destroy the machine-planet to free humanity from the constraints imposed by The Owners, leading to a climactic confrontation between the forces of control and the yearning for autonomy. Through these characters' journeys, the novel examines the dichotomy between scientific mastery and the fundamental truths that transcend human understanding. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Beyond the X Ecliptic
By Fox B. Holden
"Beyond the X Ecliptic" by Fox B. Holden is a science fiction novel written in the early 1950s. The story is set in a future where Earth has succumbed...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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