"The School Queens" by L. T. Meade is a novel likely written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around the lives of twins Cicely and Merry Cardew, who are raised in a sheltered, wealthy environment at their family estate, Meredith Manor. Their idyllic existence is disrupted by the arrival of Maggie Howland, a dynamic and influential girl who encourages them to reconsider their sheltered lives and consider the benefits of education at a school. The opening portion introduces us to the twins, whose lives are characterized by luxury and a lack of exposure to the outside world. As they engage with their friends, particularly Molly Tristram and her sister, it becomes clear that Maggie possesses a magnetic personality that captivates those around her. Excitement builds as Merry expresses a longing for the broader experiences that school offers, sowing the seeds of potential conflict between their parents' wishes and the transformative influence of Maggie and the school life she advocates for. The narrative sets the tone for exploration of themes such as social class, friendship, and the desire for personal growth. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The School Queens
By L. T. Meade
"The School Queens" by L. T. Meade is a novel likely written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around the lives of twins Cicely and Merry ...
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About the Author
Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith (1844–1914), writing under the pseudonym L. T. Meade, was a prolific writer of girls' stories. She was born in Bandon, County Cork, Ireland, daughter of Rev. R. T. Meade, of Nohoval, County Cork. She later moved to London, where she married Alfred Toulmin Smith in September 1879.
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