"The Terriford Mystery" by Marie Belloc Lowndes is a novel written in the early 20th century. Set in a picturesque English village, the story unfolds around a seemingly idyllic cricket match featuring the famous Australian team and the local squire, Harry Garlett. However, beneath this pleasant veneer lies a web of intrigue, personal relationships, and a tragic death that hints at deeper mysteries yet to be uncovered. The book introduces characters such as Lucy Warren and Guy Cheale, who are marked by their own romantic complications against the backdrop of village gossip and societal expectations. At the start of the story, readers are immersed in the cheerful atmosphere of Terriford village, where villagers are gathered to witness a friendly cricket match. Amidst the bustling crowd, the narrative introduces significant characters like Harry Garlett, a beloved cricketer and businessman, and his sickly wife, Mrs. Garlett. Their interactions hint at a world of personal struggles, especially with the presence of Lucy Warren and her forbidden romance with the enigmatic Guy Cheale. The plot thickens when an unforeseen event occurs, potentially tying the festive mood to a dark undercurrent of mystery and tension as the night unfolds. The opening chapters set the stage for a gripping exploration of love, secrets, and the complexities of human relationships within the quaint but watchful village society. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Terriford mystery
By Marie Belloc Lowndes
"The Terriford Mystery" by Marie Belloc Lowndes is a novel written in the early 20th century. Set in a picturesque English village, the story unfolds ...
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About the Author
Marie Adelaide Elizabeth Rayner Lowndes, who wrote as Marie Belloc Lowndes, was a prolific English novelist, and sister of author Hilaire Belloc.
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