"Eternal Zemmd Must Die!" by Henry Hasse is a science fiction novel written in the mid-20th century. The book presents a thrilling narrative involving a group of characters who are faced with a dire crisis threatening the future of their interplanetary federation. Central to the story is DeHarries, the Correlator for Earth, who discovers that an alien intelligence may be infiltrating the highest levels of power across the Solar System, leading him to seek urgent counsel from planetary delegates. The opening of the narrative sets a foreboding tone as a mysterious entity enters the Solar System, unleashing chaos and intrigue. DeHarries articulates concerns about the Federation's stability, pointing to a series of unexplained events that seem to signal a greater threat. Meanwhile, we are introduced to characters such as Aladdian, the Empress of Venus, and Curt Emmons, who are caught in a web of espionage, potential betrayal, and the looming specter of an alien mastermind known as Zemmd. As the plot unfolds, tensions rise among delegates, while secretive actions lead to daring escapes, deliberate attacks, and the promise of dark motives, laying the groundwork for an expansive and captivating tale. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Eternal Zemmd Must Die!
By Henry Hasse
"Eternal Zemmd Must Die!" by Henry Hasse is a science fiction novel written in the mid-20th century. The book presents a thrilling narrative involving...
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About the Author
Henry Louis Hasse was an American science fiction author and fan. He is probably known best for being the co-author of Ray Bradbury's first professionally published story, "Pendulum", which appeared in November 1941 in Super Science Stories. Hasse co-authored two more published stories with Bradbury: "Gabriel's Horn" (1943) and "Final Victim" (1946).
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