"Timid Cousin Vic" by William Drysdale is a children's adventure story written during the late 19th century. The narrative follows Will Hall, a young schoolboy from New York, who travels to visit his cousin Vic in the Florida Keys. As they navigate the challenges of a tropical setting, including daring escapades like evading Spanish soldiers and sailing through dangerous waters, both characters demonstrate bravery and the significance of familial bonds in times of crisis. At the start of the story, Will arrives at Matacumbia Key with notions of enjoying typical summer activities. However, he quickly discovers that Vic, though initially timid, possesses unexpected courage and skills, especially when it comes to shooting and sailing. Their adventure takes a thrilling turn when they set off to aid their fathers, who are involved in a perilous mission to Cuba. As they face danger together, Will and Vic's relationship deepens, showcasing themes of courage, resilience, and the breaking of gender norms in a time of crisis. The thrilling encounters set the stage for their character development and the unfolding of the plot. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Tutankhamen and the Discovery of His Tomb by the Late Earl of Carnarvon and Mr. Howard Carter
By Grafton Elliot Smith
"Timid Cousin Vic" by William Drysdale is a children's adventure story written during the late 19th century. The narrative follows Will Hall, a young ...
Sir Grafton Elliot Smith was an Australian-British anatomist, Egyptologist and a proponent of the hyperdiffusionist view of prehistory. He believed in the idea that cultural innovations occur only once and that they spread geographically. Based on this, he traced the origins of many cultural and traditional practices across the world, including the New World, to ideas that he believed came from Egypt and in some instances from Asia. An expert on brain anatomy, he was one of the first to study Egyptian mummies using radiological techniques. He took an interest in extinct humanoids and was embroiled in controversy over the authenticity of the Piltdown Man.