"The Everlasting Arms" by Joseph Hocking is a novel set presumably during the early 20th century. The story revolves around Dick Faversham, a young man embarking on a journey that intertwines themes of spirituality, personal transformation, and the complexities of inheriting a vast fortune. The narrative opens with discussions among various characters about supernatural phenomena, casting a spotlight on Faversham's skepticism yet hinting at deeper spiritual elements that will soon impact his life. The opening of the novel introduces Dick Faversham aboard a steamship bound for Australia, where a conversation among various men explores the debated existence of spiritual beings, specifically regarding the so-called "Angels at Mons." As the discussion unfolds, Faversham sees a mysterious woman, provoking his intrigue and confusion, only for him to receive a telegram informing him of his uncle’s death and his imminent return to England for the inheritance of a significant estate. This initial segment sets the stage for a dramatic turn in his life filled with timely encounters and spiritual dilemmas, leading Faversham to question the very fabric of reality and destiny itself, while hinting at potential conflicts with a character named Count Romanoff, who introduces a sense of foreboding as the plot progresses. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Everlasting Arms
By Joseph Hocking
"The Everlasting Arms" by Joseph Hocking is a novel set presumably during the early 20th century. The story revolves around Dick Faversham, a young ma...
Joseph Hocking was a Cornish novelist and United Methodist Free Church minister.
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