"The Oxbow Wizard" by Theodore Goodridge Roberts is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows Young Dan Evans, a boy living with his family in the backcountry of the Oxbow region, who becomes involved in a series of adventures and mysteries, including the disappearance of a local schoolteacher, Miss Carten. The novel introduces themes of youth, curiosity, and the challenges of rural life as Dan confronts various characters and situations in his quest to uncover the truth. The opening of "The Oxbow Wizard" sets the stage by introducing Young Dan and his family dynamics, particularly the presence of his Uncle Bill, who seems to be both a mentor and a catalyst for adventure. When a city sportsman visits, Dan finds a green-covered book left behind, sparking his imagination and fascination with the outside world. This book becomes a symbol of escapism for Dan, who yearns for adventure beyond his modest school and home life. As the chapter unfolds, the narrative hints at Dan’s growing intelligence and resourcefulness, setting the tone for the unfolding mystery involving Miss Carten's sudden disappearance and suggesting that Dan will be pivotal in uncovering the secrets that lie within his world. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Oxbow Wizard
By Theodore Goodridge Roberts
"The Oxbow Wizard" by Theodore Goodridge Roberts is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows Young Dan Evans, a boy living with hi...
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About the Author
George Edwards Theodore Goodridge Roberts was a Canadian novelist and poet. He was the author of thirty-four novels and over one hundred published stories and poems.
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