"Red Fox" by Sir Charles G. D. Roberts is a fictional narrative written in the early 20th century. The story follows the life of a clever and courageous red fox, showcasing his adventures in the wilds of Eastern Canada, particularly focusing on his journey for survival, cunning exploits, and interactions with other animals and humans. The opening of "Red Fox" introduces us to the titular character in a tense situation as he and his mate prepare to defend their den from hunting dogs. The narrative paints a vivid picture of the early morning in the wild, highlighting the beauty of the landscape while simultaneously establishing a sense of impending danger. As Red Fox uses his wit and speed to outmaneuver the pursuing hounds, readers are drawn into his world, where instinct and intelligence interplay in the struggle for life amidst the threats posed by humans and other predators. The stage is set for a captivating exploration of both the trials of wild life and the skillful adaptability of the fox as he navigates these challenges. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Red Fox The Story of His Adventurous Career in the Ringwaak Wilds and of His Final Triumph over the Enemies of His Kind
By Charles G. D. Roberts
"Red Fox" by Sir Charles G. D. Roberts is a fictional narrative written in the early 20th century. The story follows the life of a clever and courageo...
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About the Author
Sir Charles George Douglas Roberts was a Canadian poet and prose writer. He was one of the first Canadian authors to be internationally known. He published various works on Canadian exploration and natural history, verse, travel books, and fiction." He continued to be a well-known "man of letters" until his death.
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