"Two Boys of the Battleship; Or, For the Honor of Uncle Sam" by Frank V. Webster is a juvenile adventure novel written in the early 20th century. The story centers around two brothers, Frank and Ned Arden, who are enthusiastic about the sea and dream of serving on a battleship. After facing a series of unfortunate events, including their uncle's political troubles and their own struggles in New York, the boys decide to enlist in the navy to pursue their ambition. The opening of the book introduces Frank and Ned as they navigate a stormy sea in their motor dory, showcasing their love for adventure and the ocean. After surviving the treacherous weather, they return home, only to learn about their uncle's legal troubles stemming from a political accusation in a South American republic. As the situation escalates, the boys find themselves without a home or money. This leads them to consider enlisting in the navy, a decision driven by their desire for a new beginning and the possibility of proving their uncle's innocence. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Two Boys of the Battleship; Or, For the Honor of Uncle Sam
By Frank V. Webster
"Two Boys of the Battleship; Or, For the Honor of Uncle Sam" by Frank V. Webster is a juvenile adventure novel written in the early 20th century. The ...
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About the Author
Frank V. Webster was a pseudonym used by the Stratemeyer Syndicate. A total of 25 novels in The Webster Series For Boys were published by Cupples & Leon between 1909 and 1915. Titles were reprinted in 1938 by Saalfield Publishing.
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