"A Message from the Sea" by Charles Dickens is a short story written during the late 19th century (Victorian era). This fictional narrative explores themes of familial bonds, love, and moral integrity as it follows the intertwining lives of a young fisherman, Alfred Raybrock, his beloved Kitty, and Captain Jorgan, who brings unexpected news that sets off a series of transformative events in their lives. The story mainly revolves around the discovery of a message in a bottle, which leads to significant moral and ethical dilemmas. The plot begins with Captain Jorgan arriving at the picturesque village of Steepways, where he encounters Alfred and Kitty. With a mix of curiosity and camaraderie, he befriends the young couple. After revealing that he has found a bottle containing a message from the sea, the story unfolds to address the fate of Alfred's elder brother, Hugh, who has been missing since a maritime disaster. The narrative delves into the struggles faced by the young couple, particularly concerning a substantial inheritance that has become tainted with the stain of dishonesty. This revelation compels Alfred to grapple with his sense of duty to uphold his family's good name while navigating his love for Kitty, ultimately leading to a resolution that intertwines fate and redemption as they discover their futures anew. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
A Message from the Sea
By Charles Dickens
"A Message from the Sea" by Charles Dickens is a short story written during the late 19th century (Victorian era). This fictional narrative explores t...
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About the Author
Charles John Huffam Dickens was an English novelist, journalist, short story writer and social critic. He created some of literature's best-known fictional characters, and is regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era. His works enjoyed unprecedented popularity during his lifetime and, by the 20th century, critics and scholars had recognised him as a literary genius. His novels and short stories are widely read today.
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