"The Master Key" by L. Frank Baum is a children's fantasy novel written during the late 19th century. The story revolves around a young boy named Rob, who becomes fascinated with electricity and creates an array of electrical devices in his workshop. Through a series of adventures, Rob accidentally comes into contact with the "Master Key of Electricity," summoning the Demon of Electricity, who grants him several remarkable gifts that showcase the wonders of electrical power. At the start of the book, we find Rob, an inquisitive and imaginative boy, engrossed in his electrical experiments. With the support of his father, Rob turns his attic into a bustling workshop filled with intricate electrical contraptions that baffle and amuse his family. After an accidental encounter with the Master Key, he inadvertently calls forth the Demon of Electricity. This transformative meeting leads to the Demon granting Rob three extraordinary gifts that promise to revolutionize his understanding of electricity. Throughout the opening chapters, we witness Rob's youthful excitement, ingenuity, and a hint of recklessness as he embarks on an adventure that intertwines science with fantasy, propelling him to extraordinary feats that both amuse and challenge his character. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Master Key An Electrical Fairy Tale Founded Upon the Mysteries of Electricity
By L. Frank (Lyman Frank) Baum
"The Master Key" by L. Frank Baum is a children's fantasy novel written during the late 19th century. The story revolves around a young boy named Rob,...
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About the Author
Lyman Frank Baum was an American author best known for his children's fantasy books, particularly The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, part of a series. In addition to the 14 Oz books, Baum penned 41 other novels, 83 short stories, over 200 poems, and at least 42 scripts. He made numerous attempts to bring his works to the stage and screen; the 1939 adaptation of the first Oz book became a landmark of 20th-century cinema.
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