"The Tale of Miss Kitty Cat" by Arthur Scott Bailey is a children's storybook written in the early 20th century. This charming tale is part of the "Slumber-Town Tales" series and follows the antics of a clever cat named Miss Kitty, who navigates her life around Farmer Green's farmhouse amid various animals and their humorous interactions. The likely topic of the book centers on friendship, adventure, and the dynamics within a farmyard community. In this story, Miss Kitty Cat establishes herself as both a predator and a playful character. The story opens with the perspective of the farm's mice and rats, who consider her a fearsome presence due to her love of hunting. Despite her hunting instincts, Miss Kitty also exhibits a softer side, particularly in her interactions with the kind-hearted Johnnie Green. As she encounters old dog Spot, their rivalry adds an element of comedy and tension. The plot unfolds through a series of whimsical events, including Miss Kitty's misadventures, a moment of being stolen by a peddler, and her eventual return home. Ultimately, the tale highlights Miss Kitty's resourcefulness, as she deftly deals with her challenges while caring for her new kittens, providing a delightful narrative suitable for young readers. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Tale of Miss Kitty Cat Slumber-Town Tales
By Arthur Scott Bailey
"The Tale of Miss Kitty Cat" by Arthur Scott Bailey is a children's storybook written in the early 20th century. This charming tale is part of the "Sl...
Arthur Scott Bailey was an American writer. He was the author of more than forty children's books. He was born in St. Albans, Vermont, United States, the second child of Winfield Scott Bailey and Harriet Sarah Goodhue. Winfield Bailey owned a dry goods shop that was stated to be "one of the most reputable of St. Albans mercantile concerns" and specialized in furs; namely ladies' fur coats, muffs and scarves. Bailey attended St. Albans Academy and graduated in 1896, in a class of only eleven other students. He then went on to the University of Vermont in Burlington, Vermont, where he became involved in a fraternal organization, Sigma Phi.