"Hugh Wynne, Free Quaker" by S. Weir Mitchell is a historical novel likely written in the late 19th century. The book follows the life of Hugh Wynne, a young man navigating his identity and beliefs in a turbulent period of American history, against the backdrop of the American Revolution. As a member of the Quaker community, Wynne's journey explores the conflicts between personal conviction and societal expectations during a time of great upheaval. The opening of the novel delves into Hugh's childhood and early life in Pennsylvania, detailing his familial background, his experiences with school, and his relationships with his parents, particularly the sternness of his father and the warmth of his mother. It sets the tone by reflecting on the themes of identity and loyalty while hinting at the larger conflicts brewing in the country. The narrative presents vivid memories, such as early schooling, interactions with his mother, and a glimpse into his family's history, providing a rich context that shapes Hugh’s character and the challenges he will face as he grows into adulthood amid the revolutionary spirit of the time. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Hugh Wynne, Free Quaker Sometime Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel on the Staff of his Excellency General Washington
By S. Weir (Silas Weir) Mitchell
"Hugh Wynne, Free Quaker" by S. Weir Mitchell is a historical novel likely written in the late 19th century. The book follows the life of Hugh Wynne, ...
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About the Author
Silas Weir Mitchell refers to:Silas Weir Mitchell (actor), American actor Silas Weir Mitchell (physician) (1829–1914), American surgeon
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