"The Motor Boys on the Atlantic; or, The Mystery of the Lighthouse" by Clarence Young is a novel likely written in the early 20th century. The story follows three boys, Jerry Hopkins, Bob Baker, and Ned Slade, as they embark on an adventurous summer sailing with their motor boat, the "Dartaway". Their journey along the Atlantic coast is filled with excitement, danger, and unexpected situations, including encounters with a mysterious lighthouse and a thrilling whale chase. The opening portion sets the stage for their summer of adventure, beginning with Jerry's announcement about his family's plans for the Atlantic coast. The boys quickly plot to take their motor boat along, showcasing their excitement and camaraderie. The narrative shifts abruptly as they rush to assist in the aftermath of a railroad accident near their town, revealing their bravery and willingness to help others. This leads to further mysteries when they encounter an elderly man who urgently requests their help to find someone named Jess. As the trio prepares to set sail, they are faced with an unexpected journey characterized by unexpected challenges, emphasizing themes of friendship, adventure, and the thrill of the unknown. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Motor Boys on the Atlantic; or, The Mystery of the Lighthouse
By Clarence Young
"The Motor Boys on the Atlantic; or, The Mystery of the Lighthouse" by Clarence Young is a novel likely written in the early 20th century. The story f...
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About the Author
Clarence Young was a house pseudonym used by the Stratemeyer Syndicate for series of books for boys, the most well-known being the "Motor Boys" series.
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