"The Scornful Lady" by Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher is a comedy likely written in the early 17th century (the Jacobean era). The play centers around the turbulent relationships between its varied characters, notably Elder Loveless and Lady, with themes exploring love, jealousy, and social expectations. The opening of the play introduces a dynamic cast of characters, primarily focusing on Elder Loveless who is attempting to win the affections of Lady while navigating the opposition of his younger brother, Young Loveless. As the elder brother grapples with his feelings of frustration towards the Lady's scorn and his own familial relations, humorous exchanges and witty repartees ensue. Lady is portrayed as strong-willed and resolute, teasing Elder Loveless and providing a glimpse of her disdain for traditional expectations of love and courtship. The interactions set the tone for a lighthearted yet insightful examination of romantic endeavors in a society marked by class and gender dynamics. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Scornful Lady
By Francis Beaumont
"The Scornful Lady" by Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher is a comedy likely written in the early 17th century (the Jacobean era). The play centers ar...
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About the Author
Francis Beaumont was a dramatist in the English Renaissance theatre, most famous for his collaborations with John Fletcher.
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