"The Bartlett Mystery" by Louis Tracy is a mystery novel written in the early 20th century. The story kicks off with a gathering at a New York City club, leading to a scandalous incident that includes love, crime, and deceit centered around Winifred Bartlett and her lover Rex Carshaw. The narrative sets the stage for a tale filled with intrigue, involving a wealthy senator, a daring crime, and the mysterious connections between the characters that could unravel their lives. The opening of the book introduces us to a festive club event hosted by millionaire William Pierpont Van Hofen, where intrigue begins to unfurl. It outlines the interactions between guests, notably the senator and Mrs. Ronald Tower, as well as the mysterious woman Rachel who brings urgency to their discussion. Meanwhile, Detective Clancy observes these social maneuvers, inadvertently becoming a key player. As tensions rise, the atmosphere escalates into chaos when Ronald Tower is tragically dragged into the river amidst what is suggested as a deliberate act involving mistaken identities, setting off a chain of events that intertwine the lives of Winifred, Rex, and the men from the yacht. The opening chapters deftly weave character backgrounds with plot elements, leaving readers eager to unravel "The Yacht Mystery" at the heart of the narrative. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Bartlett Mystery
By Louis Tracy
"The Bartlett Mystery" by Louis Tracy is a mystery novel written in the early 20th century. The story kicks off with a gathering at a New York City cl...
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About the Author
Louis Tracy (1863–1928) was a British journalist, and prolific writer of fiction. He used the pseudonyms Gordon Holmes and Robert Fraser, which were at times shared with M. P. Shiel, a collaborator from the start of the twentieth century.
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