"The Swiss Twins" by Lucy Fitch Perkins is a children's novel written during the early 20th century. This delightful story revolves around the adventures of two lively Swiss children, Seppi and Leneli, as they navigate the challenges of rural life in the Swiss Alps while learning about responsibility, bravery, and the importance of family. The narrative follows the twins after their older brother, Fritz, and their father, Adolf, leave to tend to cattle in the high alps for the summer. With the responsibility of caring for their own goats, Seppi and Leneli embark on a journey filled with excitement, challenges, and a few perilous situations. They encounter a mountain storm, evade an eagle attack, and even face an avalanche while ensuring the safety of their goats and themselves. The twins’ bravery and cleverness shine through as they learn valuable lessons, ultimately reuniting with their mother in a heartwarming conclusion, proving that even young children can rise to face daunting circumstances and act heroically in the name of family. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Swiss Twins
By Lucy Fitch Perkins
"The Swiss Twins" by Lucy Fitch Perkins is a children's novel written during the early 20th century. This delightful story revolves around the adventu...
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About the Author
Lucy Fitch Perkins was an American illustrator and writer of children's books, known best for Dutch Twins (1911) and its sequels, the Twins series.
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