"The Capsina: An Historical Novel" by E. F. Benson is a historical novel written in the late 19th century. Set in the early 19th century during the Greek War of Independence, the story follows Sophia, known as the Capsina, the strong-willed daughter of a shipbuilder on the island of Hydra. The plot revolves around her struggle for independence and her defiance against traditional expectations, particularly regarding her betrothal to her cousin Christos, as she strives to assert her identity and lead her clan amidst the upheaval of war. The opening of the novel introduces the picturesque town of Hydra, emphasizing its rustic beauty and the islanders' resilient character in the face of oppression. We meet Sophia, a young woman determined to embrace her autonomy by rejecting her arranged marriage to Christos and instead dedicating herself to shipbuilding and a new life at sea. Despite the clan's expectations and the societal norms of her time, Sophia's ambitions draw her to the impending revolution against Turkish rule. As she launches her ship, the "Sophia", she becomes increasingly embroiled in the conflict, navigating both familial tensions and national struggles, ultimately positioning herself as a key figure in the fight for Greek freedom. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Capsina: An Historical Novel
By E. F. (Edward Frederic) Benson
"The Capsina: An Historical Novel" by E. F. Benson is a historical novel written in the late 19th century. Set in the early 19th century during the Gr...
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About the Author
Edward Frederic Benson was an English novelist, biographer, memoirist, historian and short story writer.
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