"The Lost Trail" by Edward Sylvester Ellis is a fiction novel set in the early 20th century, likely written in the late 19th century. The story begins in the spring of 1820 and follows the journey of Harvey Richter, a young minister who becomes a missionary to Native Americans in the far Northwest, along with his wife Cora and the loyal Irishman Teddy McFadden. The three navigate the challenges of the wilderness, facing unknown dangers and mysterious encounters, hinting at themes of adventure, survival, and human connection with nature. The opening of the narrative introduces readers to a tranquil scene by a tributary of the Mississippi River, where Harvey and his companions are quietly paddling along in a canoe. Their peaceful outing is soon disrupted by peculiar occurrences, such as the rolling of stones and the distant sound of a rifle shot. As they investigate the strange circumstances, it becomes clear they are not alone in the wilderness. A mysterious figure, a tall, grim man concealed in the bushes, suggests lurking danger. Harvey obtains some unsettling insights into this potential threat as his past comes to haunt him, setting up the tension between the characters and the unresolved conflict with the unknown hunter. The sense of impending trouble looms over their journey, foreshadowing the trials and tribulations that await them in the wilderness. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Lost Trail
By Edward Sylvester Ellis
"The Lost Trail" by Edward Sylvester Ellis is a fiction novel set in the early 20th century, likely written in the late 19th century. The story begins...
Edward Sylvester Ellis was an American author.
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