"An Open-Eyed Conspiracy; An Idyl of Saratoga" by William Dean Howells is a novel written in the late 19th century. The narrative centers around Basil March, who observes the lives of his fellow vacationers at Saratoga Springs, particularly a young woman named Julia Gage, who seems to be experiencing a sense of disappointment at the social scene. Set against the backdrop of Saratoga’s renowned leisure culture, the book explores themes of social class, romantic expectations, and the quest for connection amidst the façade of gaiety. At the start of the novel, Basil finds himself at Congress Park in Saratoga, where he studies the social dynamics around him. He encounters a young French-Canadian mother disciplining her son, sparking Basil's empathetic reflections on childhood hardship. Soon after, he notices Julia, a strikingly beautiful young woman, sitting with a couple he interprets as her guardians. As he observes their interactions, a sense of melancholy pervades the scene, emphasizing Julia’s discontent with the lack of excitement in her summer experience. This opening portion sets the stage for Basil's growing fascination with Julia and his subsequent attempts to navigate his perceptions and the social intricacies of Saratoga life. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
An Open-Eyed Conspiracy; An Idyl of Saratoga
By William Dean Howells
"An Open-Eyed Conspiracy; An Idyl of Saratoga" by William Dean Howells is a novel written in the late 19th century. The narrative centers around Basil...
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About the Author
William Dean Howells was an American realist novelist, literary critic, and playwright, nicknamed "The Dean of American Letters". He was particularly known for his tenure as editor of The Atlantic Monthly, as well as for the novels The Rise of Silas Lapham and A Traveler from Altruria, and the Christmas story "Christmas Every Day," which was adapted into a 1996 film of the same name.
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