"The War-Nymphs of Venus" by Ray Cummings is a science fiction novel written in the early 20th century. The story centers around a character named Kent Fanning, who becomes embroiled in a conflict involving alien civilizations, particularly the Arones of Venus and the tyrannical Gorts, led by the villainous Tollgamo. The narrative promises to explore themes of interplanetary communication, the clash of civilizations, and the struggles for freedom against oppressive regimes. The opening of the tale introduces Kent Fanning as he fishes in the Gulf of Mexico during a summer evening in 1948. His mundane activity takes a fantastical turn when he encounters Midge Peters, a Venusian girl, who is fleeing from the Gorts that threaten her civilization. Midge reveals that she came to Earth seeking help against Tollgamo's forces. The initial intrigue is quickly escalated by the sinister reappearance of the Gorts, leading to Kent and Midge being captured and thrust into a larger interstellar conflict. This introductory segment sets the stage for an adventurous narrative filled with alien encounters, battles, and the impending doom facing the inhabitants of Venus. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The War-Nymphs of Venus
By Ray Cummings
"The War-Nymphs of Venus" by Ray Cummings is a science fiction novel written in the early 20th century. The story centers around a character named Ken...
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About the Author
Ray Cummings was an American author of science fiction literature and comic books.
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