"Bad Hugh" by Mary Jane Holmes is a novel written in the late 19th century. The narrative appears to revolve around the character Hugh Worthington, a young man living in the Kentucky estate of Spring Bank. As the story unfolds, Hugh's complex relationships with his family and the mysterious circumstances surrounding a young woman named Adah Hastings create a rich backdrop for themes of redemption, morality, and societal expectations. The opening portion of the book introduces the setting of Spring Bank during a tumultuous winter night and presents Hugh, who is portrayed as both introspective and somewhat misunderstood by those around him, particularly his sister, 'Lina. Amidst the storm, Hugh’s decision to aid a woman and her child found in the snow initiates a series of events that marks a significant turn in his life. This act of kindness sets the stage for a deeper exploration of his character, his past experiences, and the emotional struggles he faces, particularly as he grapples with feelings of loss and responsibility stemming from a tragedy he endured in his youth. The dynamic between Hugh, his family, and Adah promises to evolve into an engaging narrative about personal growth and the impact of past actions on present choices. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Bad Hugh
By Mary Jane Holmes
"Bad Hugh" by Mary Jane Holmes is a novel written in the late 19th century. The narrative appears to revolve around the character Hugh Worthington, a ...
Mary Jane Holmes was an American author who published 39 novels, as well as short stories. Her first novel sold 250,000 copies; and she had total sales of 2 million books in her lifetime, second only to Harriet Beecher Stowe. Her books included: "Tempest and Sunshine" (1854), "English Orphans" (1855), "Homestead on the Hillside" (1855), "Lena Rivers" (1856), "Meadow Brook" (1857), "Dora Deane" (1858), "Cousin Maude" (1860), "Marian Gray" 186^, "Hugh Worthington" (1864), "Cameron Vide" (1867). "Rose Mather" (1868), "Ethelyn’s Mistake" (1869), "Edna Browning" (1872), "Mildred" (1877), "Forest House" (1879), "Daisy Thornton," "Queenie Hetherton" (1883), "Christmas Stories" (1884), "Bessie's Fortune" (1885). "Gretchen" (1887), "Marguerite" (1891).