"Jimmy Boy" by Sophie May is a children's novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around the adventures of Jimmy-boy, a young and spirited boy, along with his little sister, Lucy, as they navigate their family life and engage in playful mischief, particularly in the context of American holiday celebrations like the Fourth of July. At the start of the story, we meet Jimmy, who has a frank demeanor and a penchant for self-admiration but is also endearingly protective of his little sister, Lucy. The narrative begins with a humorous episode involving a birthday cake intended for George Washington, where Lucy accidentally messes it up, followed by Jimmy's attempts to cover up the mishap. As the plot unfolds, themes of childhood innocence, familial relationships, and the challenges of taking responsibility come into play as Jimmy, while navigating interactions with his peers, gets caught in amusing situations that highlight his character growth. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Jimmy Boy
By Sophie May
"Jimmy Boy" by Sophie May is a children's novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around the adventures of Jimmy-boy, a young and s...
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About the Author
Rebecca Sophia Clarke, also known as Sophie May, was an American author of children's fiction. Using her nieces and nephews as inspiration, she wrote realistic stories about children. Between 1860 and 1903, she wrote 45 books, the most popular being the Little Prudy series. She spent most of her life in her native town of Norridgewock, Maine.
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