"The Main Chance" by Meredith Nicholson is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story introduces John Saxton, who has relocated to Clarkson to manage the troubled investments of a group of Eastern investors. The narrative sets up the challenges he faces in this new environment, highlighting his past failures in ranching and the complexities of the Western landscape wrapped around business and social interactions. At the start of the novel, Saxton arrives in Clarkson and meets William Porter, the president of the local bank, who advises him about navigating the financial landscape of the region. Saxton, seeking to prove himself after a failed venture in Wyoming, grapples with his reputation and the expectations of those around him. He reflects on his past while settling into his new office and prepares for the uphill battle of managing his clients' difficult investments. The introduction of intriguing side characters, including Porter and the lively Warrick Raridan, hints at the social undertones and relationships that will develop as the story unfolds. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Main Chance
By Meredith Nicholson
"The Main Chance" by Meredith Nicholson is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story introduces John Saxton, who has relocated to Clarkson ...
Meredith Nicholson was a best-selling author from Indiana, United States, a politician, and a diplomat.
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