"The Eternal Feminine" by Carolyn Wells is a collection of humorous short stories written in the early 20th century. This lighthearted book focuses on the experiences and eccentricities of various female characters navigating everyday life in a modernizing society. It explores themes of fashion, relationships, and the social expectations of women during this time period. The stories feature a range of amusing scenarios involving characters such as a flustered dressmaker, a quirky bank teller, and a hapless milkmaid, all of whom embody the comedic essence of the era's societal norms. Through witty dialogue and situational humor, Wells paints an entertaining picture of the challenges and absurdities faced by women, reflecting on their desires and disappointments with charm and levity. The narrative invites readers to empathize with the characters while enjoying the playful critique of contemporary feminine roles. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Eternal Feminine
By Carolyn Wells
"The Eternal Feminine" by Carolyn Wells is a collection of humorous short stories written in the early 20th century. This lighthearted book focuses on...
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About the Author
Carolyn Wells was an American mystery author.
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