"The Camp Fire Girls Behind the Lines" by Margaret Vandercook is a children’s novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows a group of Camp Fire girls, including the spirited Marta Clark and the charming Gerry Williams, as they embark on a summer camping adventure along the picturesque California coast during World War I. The narrative highlights their experiences with themes of friendship, service, and the complexities of growing up in a period of social upheaval. At the start of the novel, the girls are on horseback, riding down a scenic road filled with natural beauty and hints of California's rich cultural history. They express their varying levels of enthusiasm for the trip, with Marta admiring the old Spanish missions and Gerry feeling more eager for the excitement of adventure. As they journey, the girls encounter a newly overturned military vehicle, which introduces them to Lt. Carson, establishing a connection between their youthful lives and the stark realities of the war. The opening sets the stage for their upcoming adventures and the challenges they will face, as the Camp Fire girls prepare to engage with a world that is both romantic and fraught with the consequences of war. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Camp Fire Girls Behind the Lines
By Margaret Vandercook
"The Camp Fire Girls Behind the Lines" by Margaret Vandercook is a children’s novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows a group of Ca...
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About the Author
Margaret O'Bannon Womack Vandercook was an American writer of children's literature.
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