"Frank Merriwell's Races" by Burt L. Standish is a novel written in the early 20th century. The book centers around the character Frank Merriwell, a young man attending Yale who has recently purchased a thoroughbred horse named Nemo. As the story unfolds, Merriwell faces various challenges, including plots against him by his rivals, as he prepares for races and navigates the complexities of college life. The opening of the narrative introduces Merriwell and his friends admiring Nemo, discussing his racing potential, and hinting at Merriwell’s past heroic deeds. As the chapter progresses, it becomes clear that Frank is not only dealing with the joys of owning a horse but also threats from enemies seeking revenge. He encounters strange figures showing unwelcome interest in Nemo and finds himself embroiled in a series of intrigues that may jeopardize his horse's well-being. The mix of friendship, rivalry, and the thrill of horse racing sets an engaging atmosphere, promising excitement for readers who enjoy tales of adventure, loyalty, and competition. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Frank Merriwell's Races
By Burt L. Standish
"Frank Merriwell's Races" by Burt L. Standish is a novel written in the early 20th century. The book centers around the character Frank Merriwell, a y...
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About the Author
William George "Gilbert" Patten was a writer of dime novels and is best known as author of the Frank Merriwell stories, with the pen name Burt L. Standish.
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