"Uncle Wiggily's Adventures" by Howard Roger Garis is a collection of children's stories written in the early 20th century. The book follows the charming and whimsical adventures of Uncle Wiggily Longears, an elderly rabbit who embarks on a journey to seek his fortune while dealing with various characters and challenges along the way. The narrative is light-hearted and includes a variety of animal friends and foes, creating an engaging world for young readers. At the start of the tale, Uncle Wiggily wakes up in discomfort, suspecting he may have stepped on a tack, only to realize that it was his rheumatism acting up. After a visit from Dr. Possum suggests he could benefit from some exercise and travel, Uncle Wiggily sets off with a packed valise. As he hops along, he is confronted by various obstacles, including an attempt by a bear to capture him and an encounter with a voice that promises fortune from inside a hollow stump. His adventures are filled with humor, lessons, and interactions with both friendly and troublesome animals, setting the stage for the amusing escapades that follow. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Uncle Wiggily's Adventures
By Howard Roger Garis
"Uncle Wiggily's Adventures" by Howard Roger Garis is a collection of children's stories written in the early 20th century. The book follows the charm...
Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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