"Rosy" by Mrs. Molesworth is a children's novel likely written during the late 19th century. The story centers around a young girl named Rosy, who is dealing with feelings of jealousy and frustration as she navigates her relationships with her brothers and the arrival of a new little girl named Beata. The book explores themes of temper, familial love, and the challenges of growing up, particularly as Rosy struggles with her less than favorable disposition and her longing for her mother's affection. The opening of the book introduces us to Rosy, who is characterized as a lively but willful child. She is dealing with her emotions after the announcement of Beata's arrival to live with her family, fueling her temper and jealousy. The passage reveals Rosy's interactions with her brothers, Colin and Felix, demonstrating both her affection for them and her volatile nature, as she flips between anger and affection. Rosy's relationships with her family members, especially her little brother Felix, highlight her complex emotions and hint at her internal conflicts. This engaging beginning sets the stage for Rosy's journey towards understanding herself and her feelings towards others. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
By Mrs. Molesworth
"Rosy" by Mrs. Molesworth is a children's novel likely written during the late 19th century. The story centers around a young girl named Rosy, who is ...
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About the Author
Mary Louisa Molesworth, née Stewart was an English writer of children's stories who wrote for children under the name of Mrs Molesworth. Her first novels, for adult readers, Lover and Husband (1869) to Cicely (1874), appeared under the pseudonym of Ennis Graham. Her name occasionally appears in print as M. L. S. Molesworth.
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