"A Mysterious Disappearance: A Farce" by George M. Baker is a comedic play written during the late 19th century. This light-hearted work is centered around the themes of mistaken identities, romantic entanglements, and the whimsical nature of life, showcasing the humorous events that unfold from a series of misunderstandings and secrets. The narrative reveals the absurdity of love and deception, typical of Baker's playful writing style. The play unfolds in a rural setting, where the central character, Captain Boliver Bobstay, is embroiled in a comedic tale of mistaken identities and romantic deceptions. The story revolves around Bobstay's sudden marriage to a widow he believes is free, only to discover that her previous husband, Sylvester Spanker, has not actually died and is mysteriously reappearing in their lives. Alongside Bobstay, other characters, such as his friend Charles Cleverly and the lovestruck Mr. Dixon Dolby, complicate matters further with their own romantic pursuits. A series of humorous exchanges ensues as the characters navigate their relationships, leading to unexpected twists, mistaken correspondences, and ultimately to resolutions that reveal how absurd and mischievous love can be. The farce culminates joyfully, with all misunderstandings resolved, leaving the characters in a state of collective happiness. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
A Mysterious Disappearance: A Farce
By George M. (George Melville) Baker
"A Mysterious Disappearance: A Farce" by George M. Baker is a comedic play written during the late 19th century. This light-hearted work is centered a...
George Melville Baker (1832–1890) was a playwright and publisher in Boston, Massachusetts, in the 19th century. He worked for Lee & Shepard publishers, then opened his own imprint. "George M. Baker & Co." issued works by authors such as Henry M. Baker, F.E. Chase, and Herbert Pelham Curtis. Baker's company ceased in 1885, succeeded by his brother's "Walter H. Baker & Co." George Baker also performed with comedian Henry C. Barnabee, appearing in "lyceum entertainments" in New England. He belonged to the Mercantile Library Association. He married Emily Bowles in 1858; children included novelist Emilie Loring, playwright Rachel Baker Gale, and screenwriter Robert Melville Baker.