"The Pirate Submarine" by Percy F. Westerman is a fiction novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around two main characters, Tom Trevorrick and Paul Pengelly, who are partners in a struggling shipbreaking business. As they face financial ruin, they contemplate turning to piracy as a means of escape, ultimately deciding to commandeer a submarine and use it for their illicit activities. At the start of the book, readers are introduced to the dire situation faced by Trevorrick and Pengelly, who are concerned about the falling prices of scrap metal and the potential collapse of their business. Trevorrick, a former naval officer, suggests an audacious plan to escape their troubles by disguising a submarine as a merchant vessel and engaging in piracy. They quickly begin preparations, recruiting a crew and securing the necessary materials for their scheme. The opening sets the stage for an adventurous tale filled with intrigue, deception, and the thrill of the high seas. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Pirate Submarine
By Percy F. (Percy Francis) Westerman
"The Pirate Submarine" by Percy F. Westerman is a fiction novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around two main characters, Tom ...
Percy Francis Westerman was an English author of children's literature, with a prolific output. Many of his books are adventure stories with military and naval themes.
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A Sub and a Submarine: The Story of H.M. Submarine R19 in the Great War
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Captured at Tripoli: A Tale of Adventure
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The Nameless Island: A Story of Some Modern Robinson Crusoes
By Percy F. (Percy Francis) Westerman
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