"The Deadly Ones" by F. L. Wallace is a science fiction novel likely written in the early to mid-1950s. This story delves into themes of alien encounters, survival, and the interplay between advanced technology and primal instincts. It invites readers into a world where humans are not the only sentient beings and explores what happens when an ambitious character seeks to outsmart extraterrestrial visitors. The narrative follows the protagonist, who is part of a non-human race existing alongside humanity. When he devises a plan to attract and investigate UFOs using an illusion of a spaceship, he unwittingly embarks on an extraordinary adventure after the plan sets in motion a chain of events that leads to his capture aboard an alien craft. As he observes the operations of the robot aliens, he becomes acutely aware of his precarious situation when he realizes the daunting and merciless nature of the beings in this new world. The book combines thrilling escapades with introspective moments, culminating in an exploration of fear, the instinct for survival, and the realization of one's limitations. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The deadly ones
By F. L. (Floyd L.) Wallace
"The Deadly Ones" by F. L. Wallace is a science fiction novel likely written in the early to mid-1950s. This story delves into themes of alien encount...
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About the Author
F. L. Wallace, sometimes credited as Floyd Wallace, was a noted science fiction and mystery writer. He was born in Rock Island, Illinois, in 1915, and died in Tustin, California, in 2004. Wallace spent most of his life in California as a writer and mechanical engineer after attending the University of Iowa. He also attended UCLA.
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