"Aladdin O'Brien" by Gouverneur Morris is a novel likely written in the late 19th century. The story centers on a young boy named Aladdin O'Brien and his adventures, beginning with an escapade that leads him and a girl named Margaret into a series of misadventures by a river. The plot hints at themes of coming-of-age, innocence, and the complexities of childhood friendship, intertwined with light-hearted mischief and a touch of danger. At the start of the novel, Aladdin secretly entices Margaret to join him on a small boat trip from Sunday school, ignoring the warnings against such disobedience. Despite his bravado, Aladdin struggles with rowing and inadvertently gets them lost in the river's currents, creating a tense situation as Margaret starts to worry about the consequences of their actions. As they navigate their predicament, the children's innocent banter and budding feelings for one another unfold amidst an intriguing landscape. The beginning captures a blend of youthful defiance and the weight of their choices, setting the stage for the deepening of their relationship and the trials they will face together. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Aladdin O'Brien
By Gouverneur Morris
"Aladdin O'Brien" by Gouverneur Morris is a novel likely written in the late 19th century. The story centers on a young boy named Aladdin O'Brien and ...
Gouverneur Morris IV (1876–1953) was an American author of pulp novels and short stories during the early 20th century.
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