"Tickets to Paradise" by D. L. James is a science fiction novel written in the mid-20th century. The story revolves around the protagonist, Curt Lavin, who embarks on an adventure in the deserts and mountains of Iran with an archaeologist named Dr. Champ Chadwick. Their journey takes an unexpected twist when they encounter a mysterious figure, Rog Tanlu, who claims to be a refugee from the Ice Age and introduces them to the enigmatic Ice Stone, a legendary artifact that allows a person to travel through time. The narrative unfolds as Lavin and Chadwick assist Rog Tanlu, who reveals that the Ice Stone is a complex device capable of suspending time, allowing its user to travel half a million years into the future. As they navigate this strange new reality, they must confront Tanlu's enemies and explore the implications of the Ice Stone not only for themselves but for humanity at large. Through thrilling experiences and the revelation of advanced technology from an ancient civilization, the story raises poignant questions about the nature of time, history, and survival. Ultimately, Lavin is left to reconcile the extraordinary events and their consequences while looking forward to a potential new beginning. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Tickets to Paradise
By D. L. (Daniel Lewis) James
"Tickets to Paradise" by D. L. James is a science fiction novel written in the mid-20th century. The story revolves around the protagonist, Curt Lavin...
Daniel Lewis James Jr., was an American writer, best known for his novel, Famous All Over Town, about Mexican-Americans in Los Angeles. He published the novel under his pseudonym, Danny Santiago, and during most of his professional career, he kept his identity a secret. James's own agent Carl Brandt did not know his real name until it was revealed by fellow author and friend, John Gregory Dunne. Some critics call this use of a Latino pseudonym a literary fraud, while others appreciate his contributions to literature, regardless of his race. Although he was white, some critics believed he was able to convey an accurate portrait of the Chicano culture.