"The God in the Car: A Novel" by Anthony Hope is a fictional work written in the late 19th century. The story appears to delve into the lives of several socialites navigating relationships and business affairs, with a central character named Willie Ruston who is involved in a new venture concerning the African territory of Omofaga. The narrative seems to oscillate between personal dynamics and the challenging financial schemes of that era, including the challenges posed by competing interests. The opening of the novel introduces a lively social gathering where Miss Ferrars is seeking to identify a man of intrigue, Foster Belford, while exchanging witty banter with Lord Semingham. Social hierarchies and the dynamics of friendship and flirtation are caricatured through the conversations, particularly spotlighting the character of Mrs. Dennison, who is depicted as thoughtful and somewhat troubled by her past connections, especially with Ruston. As the characters engage in discussions about business and memories, the tone hints at underlying tensions tying their personal lives to the larger economic ambitions surrounding Ruston’s endeavors in Omofaga, setting the stage for further clashes between social expectation and personal ambition. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The God in the Car: A Novel
By Anthony Hope
"The God in the Car: A Novel" by Anthony Hope is a fictional work written in the late 19th century. The story appears to delve into the lives of sever...
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About the Author
Sir Anthony Hope Hawkins, better known as Anthony Hope, was a British novelist and playwright. He was a prolific writer, especially of adventure novels but he is remembered predominantly for only two books: The Prisoner of Zenda (1894) and its sequel Rupert of Hentzau (1898).
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