"The Yellow Dove" by George Gibbs is a novel written in the early 20th century. Set against the backdrop of World War I, the story delves into themes of espionage and patriotism through a tangled web of relationships. The narrative primarily follows the character of Doris Mather as she navigates personal dilemmas amidst a larger conflict, highlighting the tension between loyalty to one's country and to one's love interests. The opening of the novel introduces a chaotic war scene, followed by a shift to Lady Betty Heathcote's sophisticated dinner gathering in London, where conversations revolve around the serious implications of the ongoing war. Among the guests is Cyril Hammersley, whose indecisiveness regarding enlisting in the war causes friction, especially with Doris, who feels passionately about contributing to the war effort. This tension is further compounded by Cyril's mysterious connections to a spy-related plot, foreshadowing conflict and suspense as the story unfolds. As the dynamic between the characters develops, the stakes rise with the revelation of espionage activity, culminating in the pivotal moment where Doris is confronted with the choice to protect Cyril or her country. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Yellow Dove
By George Gibbs
"The Yellow Dove" by George Gibbs is a novel written in the early 20th century. Set against the backdrop of World War I, the story delves into themes ...
George Fort Gibbs was an American author, illustrator, artist, and screenwriter. As an author, he wrote more than 50 popular books, primarily adventure stories revolving around espionage in "exotic" locations. Several of his books were made into films. His illustrations appeared prominently in such magazines as The Saturday Evening Post, Ladies' Home Journal, Redbook and The Delineator. He also illustrated some of his own novels, and the novels of others. As a painter he produced many portraits, and painted murals for Pennsylvania Station and Girard College in Philadelphia. His screenwriting credits include a film about the life of Voltaire.