"A Coin of Edward VII: A Detective Story" by Fergus Hume is a detective novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around complex relationships, jealousy, and a sudden murder that shrouds the characters in mystery and turmoil. The main characters include Anne Denham, a governess with a hidden past, and Giles Ware, a young squire trapped in an engagement to the lovely but jealous Daisy Kent, amidst the backdrop of a cold, wintry setting that adds to the tension. The opening of the novel introduces us to a Christmas celebration at the Morley household, attended by several characters who engage in gossip and intrigue. Mrs. Parry, a sharp-tongued relative, discusses the dynamics between Giles, Daisy, and the governess, Anne, hinting at underlying tensions and jealousy. These relationships take a dark turn when Daisy receives an anonymous letter warning her about Anne, leading to a fatal confrontation that leaves Daisy murdered at her father’s grave. The stage is set for mystery as suspicion falls on Anne, prompting questions about loyalty, honor, and the nature of love as the narrative unfolds. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
A Coin of Edward VII: A Detective Story
By Fergus Hume
"A Coin of Edward VII: A Detective Story" by Fergus Hume is a detective novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around complex rel...
Ferguson Wright Hume, known as Fergus Hume, was a prolific English novelist, known for his detective fiction, thrillers and mysteries.
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