"The Wiles of the Wicked" by William Le Queux is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story begins with the protagonist, Wilford Heaton, who is a blind medical graduate living in London, and follows his journey as he becomes embroiled in a mysterious and dangerous series of events involving double murder and intrigue. The atmosphere is thick with suspense as Heaton navigates his new life of darkness, loneliness, and the unexpected assistance of a strange woman named Edna. At the start of the narrative, Heaton recounts his life after losing his sight due to a severe illness. He is initially isolated and despondent but soon finds himself caught up in a violent event that leads him to witness a double murder. He is approached by Edna, who claims to know him and offers her protection while requesting that he remain silent about the incident. As Heaton grapples with his troubling circumstances, he becomes increasingly entangled in Edna's secrets and the sinister forces that seem to want him silenced. The opening chapters present a gripping blend of mystery, tension, and moral ambiguity, setting the scene for a fascinating exploration of trust and survival in the dark underbelly of London. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Wiles of the Wicked
By William Le Queux
"The Wiles of the Wicked" by William Le Queux is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story begins with the protagonist, Wilford Heaton, who...
William Tufnell Le Queux was an Anglo-French journalist and writer. He was also a diplomat, a traveller, a flying buff who officiated at the first British air meeting at Doncaster in 1909, and a wireless pioneer who broadcast music from his own station long before radio was generally available; his claims regarding his own abilities and exploits, however, were usually exaggerated. His best-known works are the anti-French and anti-Russian invasion fantasy The Great War in England in 1897 (1894) and the anti-German invasion fantasy The Invasion of 1910 (1906), the latter becoming a bestseller.