"Bye-Ways" by Robert Hichens is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around the complex relationship between Desmond Renfrew and his new wife, Claire, an acclaimed actress grappling with fame’s demands and her yearning for freedom. As they embark on a honeymoon in Morocco, the tale explores themes of desire, identity, and the haunting presence of the mysterious figures that surround them. The opening portion of the book introduces Desmond Renfrew as he lies awake in their camp in Morocco, disturbed by the sounds of the night and reflecting on his marriage to Claire. Claire's beauty and the aura of her celebrity preoccupy him, as does his obsessive desire to protect her. Renfrew’s unease grows when he notices their soldiers have vanished, and when he discovers Claire is not in her tent. His search leads him to find Claire enthralled by a performance, revealing her connection to a snake charmer, a character that mirrors some of her own theatrical qualities. This first encounter sets the stage for an exploration of Claire's identity and the forces that shape her, hinting at deeper, intertwining connections between art, life, and the exotic landscapes surrounding them. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
By Robert Hichens
"Bye-Ways" by Robert Hichens is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around the complex relationship between Desmond Renfrew a...
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About the Author
Robert Smythe Hichens was an English journalist, novelist, music lyricist, short story writer, music critic and collaborated on successful plays. He is best remembered as a satirist of the "Naughty Nineties".
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