"The Hairy Ones" by Basil Wells is a science fiction novel written in the early mid-20th century. The book presents a narrative set on Mars, exploring themes of survival and conflict as it follows a patrolman named Sisko Rolf. The story revolves around his adventures in a hidden network of caverns, highlighting the challenges of life on a dying Mars and the fight to restore its former vitality. The plot unfolds as Sisko Rolf finds himself trapped in a vast cavern world after his ship is attacked by outlaw ships. Surrounded by danger and facing the perils of the Martian landscape, Rolf encounters a unique group of inhabitants, including the "Hairy People" and "Furry Ones," along with a fierce female named Altha. As Rolf navigates through treacherous encounters and battles, he learns that hidden waters could revitalize Mars. With the stakes high, Rolf joins forces with Altha and her protector Mark Tanner to combat their foes, rescue her people, and strive for a future where Mars may flourish again. The novel combines action, adventure, and elements of camaraderie, ultimately emphasizing hope and resilience in dire circumstances. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Hairy Ones
By Basil Wells
"The Hairy Ones" by Basil Wells is a science fiction novel written in the early mid-20th century. The book presents a narrative set on Mars, exploring...
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About the Author
Basil Eugene Wells was an American writer. His first published story, "Rebirth of Man" appeared in the magazine Super Science Stories in 1940. He wrote science fiction, fantasy western and detective stories for various magazines sometimes under the name Gene Ellerman. Two collections of his stories, Planets of Adventure and Doorways to Space were published by Fantasy Publishing Company, Inc.
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