"The Young Buglers" by G.A. Henty is a historical novel written during the late 19th century. The story follows the adventures of two young brothers, Tom and Peter Scudamore, as they run away from home after the death of their father and enlist as buglers in the army during the Peninsular War. The novel promises a mix of excitement, warfare, and the challenges of growing up as the brothers navigate their new military life. At the start of the novel, we meet Tom and Peter Scudamore, two mischievous boys at Eton, whose adventures often land them in trouble. Following the sudden death of their father, the boys learn of their family's financial difficulties and their impending move to live with their strict aunt. Feeling stifled and yearning for adventure, they resolve to enlist in the army as buglers. The opening introduces their playful, rebellious spirits, sets the stage for their decision to flee, and hints at the excitement and challenges they will face as they embark on a military life filled with camaraderie and conflict. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Young Buglers
By G. A. (George Alfred) Henty
"The Young Buglers" by G.A. Henty is a historical novel written during the late 19th century. The story follows the adventures of two young brothers, ...
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About the Author
George Alfred Henty was an English novelist and war correspondent. He is best known for his works of adventure fiction and historical fiction, including The Dragon & The Raven (1886), For The Temple (1888), Under Drake's Flag (1883) and In Freedom's Cause (1885).
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